Telegram premium
As you know, after several updates, Telegram finally added the premium feature. And today I came to tell you all the things about Premium to you dear friends. Premium has many features that are very suitable for those who are active in Telegram, and they definitely need it.
You can also look at it from the perspective of increasing business prosperity, because using its excellent features will make your channel posts more attractive. And it also makes your account beautiful.
We will tell you its features in full:
1- One of the premium features is that you can put an emoji next to your name.
For example, you can add a blue tick, funny emojis, or the flag of your country. And there are many emojis that you can easily use after activating premium.
2- Its next feature is to increase the download speed. By activating the premium, the user's download speed increases a lot. And this is a very useful and popular feature. Definitely, anyone is active on Telegram or any other social network. Download speed is important to him. Because sometimes they want to download a movie and its volume is huge. With the premium feature, they can easily download it at high speed.
3- The third premium feature that is very attractive is the use of animated emoji in your texts. That is, if you want to include a post in your channel, you can use animated emojis and make it look more attractive and beautiful. For example, your post is about the country of Pakistan, you can easily put the moving flag of Pakistan in your text and multiply its attractiveness. Or your post can be humorous, you can easily put an animated laughing emoji in it.
4- And the is the fourth feature of premium reaction. There are several types of premium reactions. Their number is too high and it is impossible to tell, but the premium users of your channel can easily show their desired premium reaction to your post and it is very attractive. Or you can easily give a premium reaction to the posts of other channels.
5- And the fifth feature is less restrictions. After activating the premium, many Telegram restrictions are removed for the user.
A list of restrictions that are removed with premium activation:
1- In normal mode, the user can join 500 channels and groups, but with premium activation, you can join 1000 channels and groups.
2- In normal mode, you can pin 100 conversations in the main list of your conversations. But by making your account premium, this number is doubled and you can pin 200 conversations.
3- In normal mode, the user can create 10 channels or public groups. But by making the account premium, this number doubles, and the user can create 20 public channels and own them.
6- Voice to text conversion is one of the best features of Telegram premium. That is, you can convert the voice you want to text by activating premium. That is, without listening to the sound, you will understand the content by converting it to text. This is really a useful feature.
7- The seventh best feature is translation. After you premium your account, you can translate the posts of any channel that is not in your language by clicking translate. This feature is also possible for the group.
8- The next premium feature is to increase the upload volume. which is a great feature for those who have movie and serial channels, or who send large files in Telegram. Normally, a large file of 2 GB can be uploaded. But by making your account premium, you can upload 4 GB.
9- And the seventh premium feature is without ads. If you have sometimes seen advertisements on public channels from Telegram while using the main Telegram. By activating the premium, they will disappear and will not be shown to you anymore.
10- The tenth feature is to change the Telegram icon. You can change the main Telegram icon to several icons that exist after premium activation. That is, change the Telegram icon on your mobile screen to the premium icon you want. And this is a very attractive feature.
11- And the next feature, the ninth premium feature, is infinite reaction to posts. You can normally only show one reaction to a message or a channel post. But after activating your premium, you can show several reactions to a message or a post.
12- Premium sticker is one of the most attractive premium features. Premium stickers are bigger than regular stickers. And it can be said that all known emojis have been premiumized by Telegram animated sticker. And they update them every month.
What are the premium prices?
It can be said that the premium price is very reasonable based on its features. We will tell you the prices according to the plan and date of subscription.
1 month=4$
3 month=14$
6 month=18$
1 year=32$
Note, friends, that these prices are at the time of writing this article. And prices are variable.
How to buy premium?
Fortunately, we sell all premium plans. By referring to our support in Telegram, you can buy completely legal and safe premium subscription.
Telegram support: @CupSupport
How long does it take to activate premium?
After contacting our support in Telegram, we will activate the premium for you in less than 30 minutes.
What should we pay attention to when buying premium?
When buying premium, you should buy from a reliable person. Because some people activate insurance premiums with unauthorized payments. And in this case, your premium will be detected by Telegram after a few days, which is illegal, and will be removed before the end of the subscription. Or even your account may be deleted by Telegram. Be sure to buy from a reputable seller. And get a guarantee that the premium subscription will be active for you until the end of the day.